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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Teaching Assistantships (TA) - archive of past positions

This is an archive of past TA positions for reference. These positions are NOT currently available. Classes and percent appointments are listed below:

Fall 2024 Teaching Assistant Plans

Course Instructor # of TA’s Appt % Position Filled
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Lang 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Vimont 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 101 Weather and Climate Vimont 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 102 Climate and Climate Change Maroon 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 310 Dynamics of the Atm and Ocn I Henderson 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 330 Physics of the STM & OCN I TBD 1 33.4% no
ATM OCN 332 Global Warming: Science and Impacts Wagner 1 33.4% no
ATM OCN 441 Radar/Satellite Meteorology L’Ecuyer 1 25% yes
ATM OCN 452 Synoptic Lab I Martin 1 50% yes
ATM OCN 573 Comp Methods in Atm and Ocn Zanowski 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 630 Introduction to Atmos. & Oceanic Physics Adames 1 50.0% no

Spring 2024 Teaching Assistant Plans

Course Instructor # of TA’s Appt % Position Filled
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Martin 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate TBD 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 101 Weather and Climate Martin 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 105 Survey of Oceanography Zanowski 2 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 171 Global Change Hitchman 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 311 Dynamics of ATM and Ocn II Henderson 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 332 Global Warming: Science and Impacts Wagner 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 332 Global Warming: Science and Impacts Wagner 1 Reader/Grader yes
ATM OCN 340 Physics of the Atmos & Oceans II Oyola 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 425 Global Climate Processes Back 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 453 Synoptic Laboratory II: Mesoscale Meteorology Rowe 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 575 Climatological Analysis Maroon 1 50.0% yes

Fall 2023 Teaching Assistant Plans

Course Instructor # of TA’s Appt % Position Filled
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Vimont 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 101 Weather and Climate Vimont 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 171 Global Change Desai 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 310 Dynamics of the ATM and OCN I Henderson 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 330 Physics of the ATM and OCN I Oyola 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 441 Radar/Satellite Meteorology L’Ecuyer 1 25.0% yes
ATM OCN 452 Synoptic Lab I Martin 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 573 Comp Methods in ATM and OCN Zanowski 1 25.0% yes
ATM OCN 630 Adames-Corraliza 1 50.0% yes

Summer 2023 Teaching Assistant Plans

Course Modality Instructor # of TA’s Appt % Position Filled
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate (Summer Collegiate Experience) 6 weeks In-Person Michael Notaro 1 66.7% yes
ATM OCN 102 Climate and Climate Change 8 weeks Online-only Margaret Mooney 1 50% yes

Spring 2023 Teaching Assistant Plans

Course Instructor # of TA’s Appt % Position Filled
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Jonathan Martin 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 101 Weather and Climate Jonathan Martin 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Instructor TBD 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 101 Weather and Climate Instructor TBD 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 171 Global Change Matt Hitchman 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 311 Dynamics of the Atmosphere & Ocean II Stephanie Henderson 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 332 Global Warming: Science and Impacts Till Wagner 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 340 Physics of the Atmosphere & Ocean II Mayra Oyola 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 453 Synoptic Lab II Angela Rowe 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 575 Climatological Analysis Elizabeth Maroon 1 50.0% yes

Fall 2022 Teaching Assistant Plans

Course Instructor # of TA’s Appt % Position Filled
ATM OCN 100 Weather and Climate Dan Vimont 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 101 Weather and Climate Dan Vimont 2 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 310 Dynamics of the Atmosphere & Ocean I Stephanie Henderson 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 330 Physics of the Atmosphere & Ocean Mayra Oyola 1 33.4% yes
ATM OCN 441 Radar/Satellite Meteorology Tristan L’Ecuyer 1 25.0% yes
ATM OCN 452 Synoptic Lab I Jonathan Martin 1 50.0% yes
ATM OCN 573 Computational Methods Hannah Zanowski 1 25.0% yes